In an industry-first, BoardroomIQ proudly announces the launch of its revolutionary platform alongside an all-AI advisory board to guide the company itself. This pioneering approach underscores BoardroomIQ’s commitment to leveraging artificial intelligence for providing elite advisory and consulting services, traditionally accessible only to a select few organizations.

The six AI board members are not just technological showcases or gimmicks, but integral parts of the company’s recent decision-making processes. Built on vast, curated knowledge bases of business experience, these AI advisors provide regular, invaluable counsel to BoardroomIQ’s leadership and team members, ensuring that the company remains at the cutting edge of AI and business technology. True to the ethos of the company, this innovative use of AI creates a powerful resource that will become increasingly common in the near future. As more organizations recognize the potential of AI to democratize access to high-level consulting, BoardroomIQ stands as a trailblazer, showcasing the practical benefits and vast possibilities of artificial intelligence in enhancing business strategy.

The effectiveness of BoardroomIQ’s AI board members is already evident, as they are regularly consulted for critical business decisions. Having demonstrated the practical viability and success of this AI-driven approach, these virtual board members are slated to become available more broadly through OpenAI’s GPT Store, allowing other organizations to harness this revolutionary tool for their strategic needs.

BoardroomIQ’s innovation extends into the remarkable assembly of its AI-driven board members, each embodying the expertise and success of industry leaders. Carlton Melville III, a visionary tech entrepreneur, serves as the chair of the board. With a robust background as a Private Equity partner and decades of tech investment experience, Melville champions the use of AI in advancing business strategies, a testament to BoardroomIQ’s mission.

Gwendolyn Mamoto brings a wealth of knowledge from her tenure as a COO in the cloud computing sector, with deep roots in SaaS operations. Her insights guide BoardroomIQ in optimizing operations and implementing groundbreaking technologies.

Anderson J. Murdock, an entrepreneur who has built multi-million-dollar companies from scratch, offers extensive experience in operational scaling to advise BoardroomIQ on navigating growth challenges. His commitment to mentorship enriches the platform’s strategic depth.

William P. Rosenfeld, a finance wizard known for his success in raising capital and buying and selling companies, brings his strategic financial acumen to the board. His expertise is invaluable for BoardroomIQ as it navigates global financial landscapes.

Christine Rutherford, PhD, a celebrated business coach, uses her experience in coaching top executives and celebrities to enhance leadership and strategic planning at BoardroomIQ. Her approach helps refine the executive and leadership coaching modules within the platform.

Anna M. Carraba, former CEO of a leading business publishing group and an experienced entrepreneur in the digital media and business publications sector, leverages her background to guide BoardroomIQ toward becoming the leading AI platform for strategic business management.

BoardroomIQ is a leader in artificial intelligence solutions tailored for strategic business management. With a mission to democratize access to top-tier advisory services, BoardroomIQ utilizes advanced AI technology to empower businesses of all sizes with strategic insights and expertise that were once the exclusive domain of the largest corporations.

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